Monday, June 29, 2009

मनोगति से सब कुछ नापा जाता है.

मनोगति को किसी संख्या में नापा नहीं जा सकता। मनोगति से सब कुछ नापा जाता है। गति ही गति को नापता है। गति के बिना गति को कैसे नापा जाए? जीवन गति के आधार पर ही हम सब कुछ की गति को नापते हैं। मरने के बाद कोई नापना नहीं होता। जीता हुआ आदमी ही नापता है।

स्थिति, गति, उपयोग, सदुपयोग, और प्रयोजन को पहचानने के लिए मनोगति है।

आशा गति से विचार-गति अधिक पैनी या अधिक सूक्ष्म है। विचार-गति से इच्छा गति, इच्छा गति से संकल्प गति, संकल्प गति से प्रमाण-गति अधिक पैनी या अधिक सूक्ष्म है। जीवन में इन गतियों के आधार पर ही एक दूसरे के साथ तदाकार-विधि से मूल्यांकन होने की व्यवस्था है।

- बाबा श्री नागराज शर्मा के साथ संवाद पर आधारित (अगस्त २००६, अमरकंटक)


Gopal Bairwa said...

Hi Rakesh,

Could tyou plz. explain the meaning behind the following sentence.

"मरने के बाद कोई नापना नहीं होता। जीता हुआ आदमी ही नापता है।"

Monogati is always there with jeevan.


Rakesh Gupta said...


Human-being is a combined expression of jeevan and body. Human-being measures while living. After death, there's no measurement.

The purpose of this sentence is only to highlight the distinction between jeevan and body, and that it is human-being alone in existence who measures.

regards, Rakesh.

Gopal Bairwa said...

Hi Rakesh,

Plz. see the following paragraph.

"आशा गति से विचार-गति अधिक पैनी या अधिक सूक्ष्म है। विचार-गति से इच्छा गति, इच्छा गति से संकल्प गति, संकल्प गति से प्रमाण-गति अधिक पैनी या अधिक सूक्ष्म है। जीवन में इन गतियों के आधार पर ही एक दूसरे के साथ तदाकार-विधि से मूल्यांकन होने की व्यवस्था है।"

Baba has used the word "gati" for everything. Are these really "gati" or motion of jeevan atom or something else ? Please clarify.


Rakesh Gupta said...

Hi Gopal,

Nature and Space are two realities in Existence. Nature is as countably infinite units. Space is as limitless and pervasive energy in which Nature is saturated. Nature is as conscious and material (physiochemical). The unit of orderliness of nature is atom. Atom is a definite constitution of sub-atomic particles - with some in nucleus, and some in 1 or more orbits. All sub-atomic particles (parmanu-ansh) are of the same kind. Conscious-entity (jeevan) in itself is also an atom - a definite constitution of 61 sub-atomic particles (ansh), having one ansh in the centre, and 4 orbits - with 2, 8, 18, and 32 ansh in them. These orbits and nucleus have been given names - mun, vritti, chitt, buddhi, and atma. Baba says, in the subtle-state of sanyam he was able to count these, and observe their activities.

What does "gati" mean for conscious-activity? Is it the speed? The speed is immeasurable through any number, and any instrument. Conscious-entity is subtler than any instrument made of material. Therefore for understanding conscious-phenomenon we will need to drop the references of measurement. Vritti is more subtle and penetrative than Mun. This is something we can easily verify in ourselves. We make choices all the time - that's activity of mun. Subtler than choosing (mun) is the thought (vritti). In the same way, desire (chitt) is subtler than thought (vritti). Sankalp (buddhi) and Pramaan (atma) are dormant activities of self (jeevan), which are subtler than desire. truth's-conviction (sankalp) is subtler than desire. truth's-authenticity is subtler than its conviction.

In broader sense - jeevan (conscious-entity) does two kinds of activities - Of Seeing, and Of Doing. In other words, Jeevan is the Seer and the Doer.

Seeing happens at the 5 levels. And Doing also happens at the 5 levels. Seeing is called sthiti-kriya. Doing is called gati-kriya. Doing of jeevan itself gets manifested as activities of human-being in living.

With dormancy of 2 levels of jeevan (buddhi and atma) - its Seeing and Doing both are partial.

Completeness at the level of Seeing enables one (self) to realize oneself at the level of Doing (aacharan).


Gopal Bairwa said...

Hi Rakesh,

I am probably getting what you are trying to say here in terms of subtleness of various activities of jeevan.

So this completes the answer of my previous question. But here is a new question/observation.

If we try to understand materially ...jeevan in existence is ultimately an entity which as per Baba moves at immesuarably fast speed. We also say jeevan moves with manogati ( in abscence of body) but if I am right even when it has body it moves with this manogati only. The physical movement of jeevan is with manogati. We also say that jeevan ( as mun ) does taste and selection...taste by reading the signal from brain ( medhus ) and selection by giving signal to brain.

Here is my thinking and observation about this signalling process:

1. When I want to give signal to brain ..all I do it I think/decide/select about that activity and activity happens. The process of this thinking or doing or selecting in jeevan is inseparable from the actual activity happening... like I am moving my hand continuously means I am continuosly giving that signal to the brain...that signal itslef is getting translated into movement of my hand. The fact that hand is moving is the proof of the signal jeevan is giving and that is how we can understand that signal in terms of happening of that activity. The signal is causing the movement. The activity jeevan is doing while our hand is moving is nothing but giving the signal.

I also heard that jeevan generates the waves in chemical liquid in the brain which is read by brain and the vice versa.

So the way jeevan does this is is in my thinking by its movement only. The movement of jeevan causes this signaling activity, which is the activity of mun. That is why movement of jeevan is activity of mun or munogati.

Until we can see this , jeevan does this activity ( munogati ) as part of its practice over the long time to drive the body. It does not see its own movement.

2. So next question is this , if jeevan moves at immesuarbly fast speed , in the abscence of body , it can easily travel the distant part of universe. Does it do that ?

My anser is no...because mun does not know that signal or gati, it only has practice of driving the body but probably not anything else. Like people can never die themselves by desiring it because they dont have practice of that signal or gati. They dont know how to give that signal when they really want to die they commit suicide and not die by leaving the body intentionally.

Let me have your thoughts or understanding on this.

Best Regards,

Rakesh Gupta said...

Dear Gopal,

Sorry for the delay in responding. I was on travel in last 3 weeks.

I completely agree with your very insightful observations on the point-1.

I agree with you on the second point also. The expanse in which jeevan can roam about (vichran-kshamta) depends on its level of awakening. "jeevan kee vichran-kshamta uske jagruti ke star par nirbhr hai.)


Gopal Bairwa said...

Thanks Rakesh,

I am glad that we agree on so many things here, so I am at least not going in a different direction on my own.

I knew you were busy, otherwise you won't take that much time.
