Thursday, November 6, 2008

सत्ता ही ज्ञान है.

प्रश्न: "सत्ता ही ज्ञान है" - इस प्रतिपादन को कैसे समझें?

उत्तर: ऊर्जा-सम्पन्नता प्राकृतिक है। ऊर्जा-सम्पन्नता वश सभी जड़ (भौतिक-रासायनिक) और चैतन्य (जीवन) इकाइयाँ क्रियाशील हैं।

कल्पना जीवन-क्रिया है। जीवन क्रियाशील है, मतलब जीवन ऊर्जा संपन्न है। जीवन भी सत्ता में डूबा, भीगा, घिरा है। सत्ता ही ज्ञान है - जिसकी सम्पन्नता वश जीवन (गठन-पूर्ण परमाणु) कल्पना करता है।

आप कल्पना करते हो या नहीं? कैसे करते हो? - यह इसका उत्तर है। इसको समझने के लिए आप अपने स्वयं की गवाही को मानो। यह मूल बात है। यह समझ में नहीं आता है, तो आगे कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा।

प्रश्न: इसको फ़िर से समझाइये!

उत्तर: ऊर्जा-सम्पन्नता के बिना कुछ काम नहीं करता। ऊर्जा-सम्पन्नता है ही सब में। मनुष्येत्तर प्रकृति में यह ऊर्जा क्रियाशीलता के रूप में है। मनुष्य प्रकृति में यह ज्ञान-शीलता के रूप में है। ज्ञान-शीलता का प्राथमिक रूप कल्पनाशीलता है। उसी से ही मनुष्य काम करता है। अब आप काम करने को देख पाते हो, काम के मूल में जो ऊर्जा (ज्ञान) है, उसको नहीं देख पा रहे हो! वह दर्शन आप में तैयार हो, ऐसी मैं कामना करता हूँ।

प्रश्न: कैसे तैयार होगा? क्या करें जिससे मुझ में वह दर्शन तैयार होगा?

उत्तर: क्रियाशीलता के मूल में ऊर्जा-सम्पन्नता है, इस विधि से परामर्श करते जाते हैं, तो वह जो जाता है। अनुभव में यही समझ में आता है। अनुभव का जो नारा लगा रहे हैं - उसमें यही समझ में आता है। अनुभव के लिए ध्यान दें। (इस प्रस्ताव के) हरेक शब्द से सूचना (information) है। शब्द का अर्थ होता है। अर्थ के मूल में जो वस्तु होता है, वह समझ में आना अनुभव है। अनुभव के आधार पर प्रमाण है। प्रमाण के आधार पर सारे संसार को समझाना बनता है। प्रमाण के बिना समझाना नहीं बनता। हमें स्वयं प्रमाण स्वरूप होना होगा, तभी हमको दूसरे को अध्ययन कराने का अधिकार है।

- बाबा श्री नागराज शर्मा के साथ संवाद पर आधारित (भोपाल, अक्टूबर २००८)


Sadhak Ummedsingh Baid "Saadhak " said...

वाह! कमाल है! शब्द-शब्द में भरा है पूरा ज्ञान.
मध्यस्थ जीवन दर्शन, समूचा जीवन जान.
जीवन है यह ज्ञान,बिना इसके हम भटकें.
बिन-मतलब की दुनियादारी में ही अटके
अब तो साधक इनसे मिलने का सवाल है.
इस दर्शन ने आँखे खोली, वाह! कमाल है!

Anonymous said...

This is by far the most beautiful attempt to explain/visualize Self Realization, I have ever come across.
How do you visualize/imagine? By putting yourself as a medium/proof (all your experiences,memories,samskaaras come into play here). This is the first step to acquiring Self Knowledge(Power that is omniscient,all pervasive even the Self is immersed in it). Next step is to execute that knowledge through action. You can see the action but not the power(knowledge) that is hidden in it. That which is at the root of a word(a unit of expression of knowledge), is experience. Proof(how you get convinced) is relevant to your experience. By these you understand the world. We ourselves must be living proofs of our convictions/realization before we guide others.
I agree 100 % here with Babaji.
It is only because each individuals experiences are different that we see different interpretations of Truth. This is the only reason we see different religions/different philosophies in the world.
One who understands the oneness of Truth(Self Realization) never lets the differences in interpretation mirage the Truth itself.

Anonymous said...


"Satta hi gyan hai" how should we understand this. I tried to understand this.

absolute energy is always there in the atom. It just appears in different forms. When atom is not structurally complete it appears as weight-bond( bhar bandhan ) or molecular bonds.When atom is constitutionally complete, it appears as ashaa bandhan (jeene ki aasha) but as the jeevan's orbits gets active, this power itself appears into different powers of jeevan and one of that is kalpanasheelata. The same kalpansheelta gets satisfied when we experience the reality or when we achieve knowledge. Once we have knowledge, that inspires and controls all of the activities of the jeevan. So knowledge in a way plays the same role for chetnya aspect as space plays for physical aspect of the world. Hence probably it is said that knowledge is satta.

I also saw knowledge in different way. What is knowledge? Knowledge is the reflection of existence on jeevan. When jeevan becomes jagart, it basically gets the accurate reflection of existence into it. This reflection remains there in jeevan as knowledge. Before jagarati jeevan does not let the existence refelect into it accurately in the same as a dirty mirror does not get correct relection of some entity.

do you find this sensible ? would you like to add/correct to it?


Rakesh Gupta said...

Hi Gopal,

I also see it exactly the same way! You have stated it wonderfully. Baba has said time and again that it is the crux and foundation point to comprehend.

Logical level clarity of this is necessary. But that alone is not sufficient for one's satisfaction. Unless one experiences the meaning - we are still in the domain of words. So how does one break the barrier of meaning? This is possible only by living this clarity. Unless one lives by this understanding, one stays in the domain of words only.


Anonymous said...


I agree with that unless we start living this clarity, we wo'nt experience it.

But why we are not living it? I feel there are still some points we are not absolutely clear. Until that happens we wont have courage to change our living and we will have to systematically continue our study. We have to see what aspects we are not clear and study those.

I am sure when every aspect becomes clear and we start seeing it in life, our living is bound to change.


Rakesh Gupta said...

Hi Gopal,

"Unless there is absolute-clarity in me, I won't live with clarity." This logic ends up in a deadlock at some point. It did for me!

I think, that's not what you are saying...

Living doesn't stop. Irrespective of where we are, we are living. Our next step will be out of the present state we are in. The design of the next step needs to happen while being in the present-state, so that one would see some tangible results.

Samadhan (resolution) is with result orientation. Unless one gets tangible results of one's thinking, the impetus for thinking the whole thing through will not build.

I am belaboring this point, because this is exactly where I find myself at present...


Anonymous said...


Wonderfully stated. I completely agree with this and I did not mean to say this.

In fact what I am telling is when you become clear in any aspect, you just start living that. In fact there is no reason you wont start living it. You are bound to start living that way.

What I am telling is why we are unable to live fully like a Jagart person or totally change our living as we think it to be, or may be let us like Baba. The reason for that is , there are still some aspect which are not clear to us and due to some reason we are not studying those aspects and getting clarified. And that is the reason we are not in that ideal situation, in which we want ourselves to be.

To be able to reach the ideal situation , we need to systematically identify those aspects which we are unclear and study those.

Hope I am able to convey the point.


Anonymous said...


In fact if you look at the process of study or learning/experiencing the knowledge, I don't think one can control it. We are bound to behave in certain ways depending upon overall circumstances. If you are clear about something ,you are bound to practice it and if you feel something wrong , you will try to study it, just the speed varies, but the path is quite same.

But this does not mean, we should stop worrying about our progress. Our worrying of progress is included in whatever is being said above.
