Sunday, October 19, 2008

"सत्य" का मतलब

प्रश्न: "सत्य" शब्द से क्या आशय है?

उत्तर: सत्य को मैंने अनुभव किया है। सह-अस्तित्व रूप में सत्य को मैंने पहचाना। सह-अस्तित्व ही परम सत्य है। सह-अस्तित्व को मैंने ऐसा देखा है - व्यापक वस्तु में एक-एक वस्तुएं (जड़ और चैतन्य) डूबी हुई, भीगी हुई, और घिरी हुई हैं। भीगा होने से हर वस्तु का ऊर्जा संपन्न होना समझ में आया। यह मुख्य बात है। हर वस्तु ऊर्जा संपन्न है, इसकी गवाही है - उसकी क्रियाशीलता। हर वस्तु अपने परमाण्विक स्वरूप में स्वयं-स्फूर्त रूप में क्रियाशील है। चाहे वह भौतिक वस्तु हो, रासायनिक वस्तु हो, या जीवन वस्तु हो। जीवन को ही हम चैतन्य वस्तु कह रहे हैं। भौतिक और रासायनिक पदार्थों को हम जड़ वस्तु कह रहे हैं। भौतिक और रासायनिक वस्तुओं के मूल में परमाणु स्वयं-स्फूर्त क्रियाशील हैं। जीवन भी अपने स्वरूप में एक परमाणु ही है। यह इस अनुसंधान की एक बहुत गरिमा-संपन्न उपलब्धि है - जो ईश्वर-वादी नहीं पहचान पाये, और भौतिकवादी भी नहीं पहचान पाए। परमाणु की चर्चा भौतिकवादियों ने बहुत किया। ईश्वर-वादियों के पास परमाणु का चर्चा करने का कोई माद्दा नहीं रहा - यह मैं मानता हूँ।

- बाबा श्री नागराज शर्मा के साथ संवाद पर आधारित


Anonymous said...


This is great service you are doing by putting your discussion with Baba as it is. It is helping us a lot in making the understanding clear. Plz. continue doing this.


Anonymous said...


We talk every time about space. We say every entity is soaked, submerged and surrounded by space. This is very basic statement about existence as co-existence. Let us try to understand this. Why do we say that everything is active because of being soaked in space? similarly we say it is controlled because it is surrounded by space, but how? And what happens into a entity because of itself being submerged into space ? If you can really get into details of these 3 things , it will be helpful. We make these statement but it is hard to really understand those with clarity. I can make some sense out of it but complete clarity is still missing.


Rakesh Gupta said...

Q1: Why do we say that an entity is active because of its being submerged in Space?

Answer: An entity needs to be active "to be" - is something we can agree. An atom also is an activity of subatomic particles revolving around its nucleus tirelssly. Earth is also active all the time, spinning around its axis, and revolving around the Sun.

Where is this energy coming from??

Why do subatomic particles surrounding nucleus of the atom wind down? Why don't they tire up?
What is the source of their energy?

Madhyasth-darshan's proposal is that Space is the source of energy of all matter. Matter expresses its being-ness due to its being saturated in Space. This is at the root of explanation of coexistence. It's coexistence of matter and space. And then comes coexistence of matter and matter - which is by how matter entities recognize each other...


Rakesh Gupta said...

The attempts to understand existence is nothing new. There have been many attempts of understanding existence, and they have given their explanations of this basic question. Here we will not try to assess what those explanations are, and where they reached - since that becomes a matter of controversy and debate.

Q2: "Entities are naturally controlled in Space." What does this mean?

There is control in nature - as is evidenced. We can't deny it. For example, a tree doesn't endlessly keep becoming bigger. Its leaves and fruits don't become absurdly big, or overly small (if we don't interfere in the natural processes). How does this control happen? Is there a controller? Or does it happen by chance?

Madhyasth-Darshan's proposal is that there is no controller, and it doesn't happen by chance or probability. The entities are naturally controlled because of their being in Space. Space doesn't go about "will-fully" controlling the entities. Entities are surrounded by Space. And this is their exhibition of natural-control.

Q: what happens into a entity because of itself being submerged into space ?

There is no situation which could be called as "before submersion into Space". Existence forever is as nature (countably infinite entities) submerged into Space. So there's no beginning point of happening something into an entity upon submersion into Space. The entity's very being-ness is defined as its submergence into Space. The being-ness of an entity is expression of its purposefulness. Every entity is purposeful by its very being.

Please think closely over this...
This roots the entire of madhyasth-darshan's presentation. One can't dig deeper than this by method of questioning. It is the reason for calling madhyasth-darshan as "astitva moolak".

Anonymous said...


This is how I have understood that "Matter expresses its being-ness due to its being saturated in Space."

Take any entity. Its identity itself is there because it is limited by space. Without itself being limited in space there is no identity. Whole of behavior ( tv ) of the identity is there in space only. Without itself being in space , there is no way you can even identify it. There is no way it can express itself. So entity expresses its tv in space.

Now that entity is composed of smaller entities, which also has their on behavior or tv. The same thing applies. the tv of the smaller entities is expressed due those enties being in space inside the bigger entity.

Now keep going deeper, ultimately you will reach at atomic level. Atoms express their tv or bahvior in the space around those. The same thing applies for subatomic particles... and even sub sub atomic particles if any ... you can keep going this way as deeper as you want to go... hence you conclude existence of space is ultimately the reason for tv of the entities at every level. That is how entities are active in the space and due to space inside and outside.

Rakesh Gupta said...

Yes Gopal, this is correct... I would like to add following to it.

The entities are energized in Space due to their being saturated in it. Space is the energy. It is inexhaustible reservoir of energy which is inseparably available to the entities of matter. This energizing is the cause for matter's expressing its being-ness (or purpose).

Space is pervasive. There is no place where space is not. This is the reason for matter's expressing the same properties irrespective to where it is. For example - iron at Mars would express iron-ness only. We take this phenomenon for granted, but it's the essence for recognizing natural-ness of nature. This goes on to explaining natural-ness of self (jeevan) and of a human-being.

Adhyayan is recognizing natural-ness, or the inherent orderliness of existence. Once this orderliness is precisely understood, it leads to fulfillment of jeevan. Jeevan thus fulfilled realizes itself in living harmoniously.

Anonymous said...


I tried to understand the concept, "Space is the absolute energy" from a different angle than what I wrote you earlier.

Why subatomic particles behave the way they are? There are many explainations from angle of relative energy. There is some phenomena there, whatever it may be. But one thing is sure, that phenomena is same , irrespective of time and place. The way we can understand is , that there is an ultimate/absolute medium, in which things behave the same under same circumstances/conditions and that is space. That ultimate/absolute medium can be thought of as the absolute energy. That is the absolue frame of reference. This frame of refrence, this ultimate medium is same irrespective of time and place.